Glorious battle

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Following the arrival of the White Walkers, rioters have appeared throughout Westeros. They harass the weak, kill the smallfolk, and plunder resources throughout the land. They're said to have originally been House Lannister's soldiers, and they've been causing trouble for House Stark near Riverrun. Following this, their ranks have been expanding. Bandits, defeated soldiers, and smallfolk trying to avoid the White Walkers and war have joined them, resulting in the current situation.

Glorious battle is a regular event introduced in June 2021.

Event time: Every Wednesday from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM (GMT+8)

Rioter strongholds[edit | edit source]

Rioter stronghold.png

During the event, Rioter Strongholds appear at random locations on the map (you can use the magnifying glass at the bottom left corner to search for them). Tap Attack to deploy troops and attack them. Attacking Rioter Strongholds does not consume Endurance or Rally Commands.

After troops reach the Rioter Stronghold, they will need to clear obstacles at the stronghold. You will need to wait 10 minutes until the battle can begin. If other players join your troops while you're waiting, they can greatly reduce the waiting time. Up to 5 people can join, and the wait time can be reduced to a minimum of 1 minute.

In addition to working together with other players to attack Rioter Strongholds, you can also choose Attack Expedition Teams to attack players who are currently attacking Rioter Strongholds.

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Glorious token.png

Reward Exchange: Glorious tokens earned during the event can be exchanged for Valyrian Steel, Precise Transfers, Race Boots 75%, Observatorium ingredients, dragon XP, speed ups, and resources.

Exchange Time: Wednesday from 8:00 PM to 12:00 AM. Tokens will not disappear when the event ends and can be kept for exchanges during the next event.