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Buildings (edit)

Observatorium is the building where commanders are recruited. Unlike most other buildings, is cannot be upgraded.

You can perform three rituals at the observatorium.

Astrological prophecy[edit | edit source]

Perform an astrological prophecy for a chance to obtain resources, items, and commander medals.

When you perform 10 prophecies at once, you're guaranteed to receive at least one so-called "complete commander" (10 medals).

You can perform this ritual 3 times per day for free. You must wait 10 minutes between the free attempts. Free attempts reset at 5:00 (UTC+8).

Holy prophecy[edit | edit source]

Perform an astrological prophecy for a chance to obtain resources, items, and commander medals.

When you perform 10 prophecies at once, you're guaranteed to receive at least one so-called "complete commander" (10 medals).

You can perform this ritual once per day for free. Free attempt reset at 5:00 (UTC+8).

Skill study[edit | edit source]

Perform a skill study for a chance to obtain commander skill fragments or complete skills.

When you perform 10 studies at once, you're guaranteed to receive at least one complete skill.

You can perform this ritual 3 times per day for free. You must wait 10 minutes between the free attempts. Free attempts reset at 5:00 (UTC+8).

You can perform this ritual at any time by consuming a book of blessings.

Dragon ore smelting[edit | edit source]

Perform smelting for a chance to obtain dragon ores.

A dragon ore is guaranteed for draw x 10.

You may perform smelting for free once per day. Free attempt resets at 5:00 (UTC+8).