Basic concepts (edit) |
A kingdom is a distinct game world, a single instance of Westeros. Kingdoms are numbered, starting with K1. When you first log in to the game, you're assigned to the latest kingdom. Most of your in-game interactions will be restricted to your kingdom.
The game administrators open new kingdoms when the existing ones get full. New kingdoms start with a 2 month protection phase which prevents veterans from older kingdoms to invade the new fertile lands.
As a kingdom gets older, various NPC armies, such as castle protectors and castle builders level up, to challenge the growing player power.
Players can transfer between kingdoms; see Relocation for details. This is usually a costly endeavor, unless your castle level is 6 or less. While a kingdom is in the protection, you can only transfer to older kingdoms (kingdom number is smaller). This restriction might not apply to new player relocation (?).
Each kingdom has a different set of events active.