Elite fortress
Elite fortresses are a stronger version of exile fortresses. They don't spawn automatically, as they are summoned by players in a specific location on the world map.
To summon an elite fortress, you need elite fortress intel. There is a small chance to receive intel from defeating exile fortresses. Summon the fortress using the intel center.
The maximum level of elite fortress is 20.
Elite fortress can grant more generous rewards than exile fortresses. Rewards include:
- Book of Aegon
- Horn of awakening
- Minting codex
- Qohorik forge drawing
- Dragonbone
- Resources: all four types
- Speed ups: universal, healing, and training
Time limit[edit | edit source]
You have a limited time for defeating an elite fortress.
- Once you get it, you have 5 hours to summon it (place it on the world map).
- Once summoned, you have 5 hours to defeat it.
One person may have only one elite fortress summoned. Attempting to summon another fortress will cause the previous fortress to disappear.
Daily limit[edit | edit source]
You can benefit (receive reward) from a maximum of 15 elite fortresses per day.
- If you're out of elite attempts AND rally commands, you don't receive rewards.
- If you're out of elite attempts OR rally commands, you still don't receive rewards, but the other resource (elite attempts or rally commands) is not spent in this attempt.